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HomeExclusiveHome Remedy For Dog Skin Itching

Home Remedy For Dog Skin Itching

Administer A Chamomile And Herbal Tea Soak

TOP 5 Ways To STOP Dog’s Itchy Skin Naturally ð?¶ Home Remedies that actually work!

A nice warm soak combined with the healing powers of herbs can help your dog significantly. The herbal tea and chamomile will calm the itchy feeling and soothe your dogs skin. If your dog is gnawing at its paws or scratching its back constantly, this home remedy can help in a snap.

Required Ingredients:

  • Draw a bath for your dog and add the herbal teas to the water.
  • Allow them to steep for three minutes before removing.
  • Place your dog in the bath and let them soak in the water for at least five minutes.
  • You do not have to rinse, just dry.
  • Repeat daily until they are no longer itchy.

Notes: If your dog does not like baths, you can simply make the tea on the stove, allow it to cool, and add it to a spray bottle. From there, you can directly spray your dog in the affected areas twice per day until they are no longer itchy.

Preventing Itchy Skin In Dogs

  • Bathe your dog regularly to help keep the skin healthy. If your dog hates getting into the water, you can use dry shampoo.
  • Brush your dogs coat daily.
  • Wash your dogs bedding at least once weekly.
  • Avoid exposure to possible allergy triggers.
  • Give your pet the right diet to help it remain healthy and strong. Look out for food allergies.

It is recommended to identify and deal with the problem as soon as possible. Delay in treatment may make it worse. To help calm your dogs irritated skin and stop the constant scratching, you can try some simple and effective home remedies.

Chamomile And Green Tea

Another wonderful home remedy for itchy skin is a chamomile, green tea or herbal tea bath. Chamomile is known for its soothing properties and is commonly used to alleviate irritation in both animals and humans. Making a chamomile bath is extremely simple. All you need to do is fill a tub to a comfortable level with warm water. Then let several tea bags steep in the water before letting it cool. Once its cooled down, you can apply the mixture in a similar fashion to the oatmeal bath.

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Recurrent Episodes Of Itch Dog Constantly Itching

The problem with most allergies is that your dog will keep itching until the trigger for the allergic response is found and eliminated. In some cases, eliminating that allergen is impossible.

In many cases, it becomes a matter of managing the symptoms and doing all you can to keep your dogs immune system, skin, and coat healthy.

Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

Homemade Allergy Relief Itchy Dog Natural Remedy Spray

Every night I mix up my dogs food with some coconut oil. In the summer its really easy because the oil is liquid due to the hot weather. In the winter it solidifies so you have to microwave it a few seconds before putting it on your dogs food. Coconut oil is excellent for your dogs coat and general health. You dont need a dog specific coconut oil, a high quality human brand will do. You can also checkout treats that have the coconut baked right in.

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Why Is My Puppy So Itchy

If the dog experiencing severe itchiness is still a puppy and you have already ruled out any potential causes like diet and environment, you should visit a licensed veterinary dermatologist as soon as possible.

A veterinary dermatologist can run tests that general practitioners do not have the ability or equipment to handle in-house. Additionally, you have a better chance of getting to the bottom of your dog’s itchiness faster with a specialist who can quickly recognize the root of the problem, whether it be food allergies, air quality, other environmental causes, or even psychological or behavioral issues.

The itchy dog home remedies noted above are safe for most dogs and skin issues. However, you should always consult your veterinarian before using any of these treatments on your pet. A proper diagnosis is key to providing the most effective treatment for your dogs itchy skin.

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The information provided in this blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not serve as a substitute for the professional medical advice of a licensed veterinarian. Always consult your vet with any questions about your pets health before initiating any treatment regimes.

Can A Dog Take Benadryl For Itching

Benadryl, or diphenhydramine, is an antihistamine that helps relieve the symptoms of allergies in both humans and animals. It can also be used to relieve the symptoms of motion sickness if a dog needs to be transported long distances. For most dogs, the appropriate dosage of Benadryl is perfectly safe.

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Is Your Dog Itching And Scratching

Its here!

The season of itchiness.

You know when your dog starts scratching, licking and chewing because its most likely keeping you up at night.

You hear that lick, lick, lick or scratch, lick, scratch, and its driving you both nuts!

There are many causes for excessive licking, chewing, and scratching, so we always recommend getting checked out by your veterinarian.

However, we are going to cover 5 ways you can safely provide your pet with more comfort.

Symptoms Of Dog Allergies

How To Treat Itchy Dog Skin at Home Naturally

Before you set about treating your dog’s allergies at home, you need to know what those allergies might look like. It’s possible that your dog’s issue is caused by a skin condition like eczema or a yeast infection, rather than an allergy, so you’ll want to be aware of allergy symptoms and get a definitive diagnosis before trying any home remedies.

While allergy symptoms can vary depending on the allergen and the dog, there are some common signs. They include:

  • Itchy skin and associated scratching
  • Dry skin or scaly skin
  • Scabbing on the skin

If you see symptoms like these, the best course of action is to call your veterinarian. They can run tests and examine your pet to confirm an allergy. From there, you can work together to come up with a treatment or management plan.

Some dogs have severe allergies that can only be managed with medication, such as an antihistamine like benadryl. For others, DIY home remedies can make a big difference.

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Itchy Itchy Scratch Scratch: Natural Home Remedies For Dogs With Allergies

By Darlene Stott

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When your dog has allergies, it is not only uncomfortable for them, but it can also be distracting to you, as their owner. You see your pet licking, scratching, and biting their feet, limbs, and tail and you feel helpless in your efforts to stop the itch. Often called Canine AD, Canine Atopic Dermatitis shows itself in the form of scaly, dry skin, scabbing of the inflamed area, and hair loss. Your dog may have ear infections and be rubbing their face and eyes. Secondary infection can set in if your pooch digs and scratches too hard, and this can lead to more pain and a long recovery period.

Your dog may be allergic to something in their environment such as pollens and grass, or cedar chips in their bedding. Contact allergens can cause skin reactions, too, and can be products like the carpet deodorizer you use or medications like pyrethrins in flea collars. An allergy to an ingredient in your dog’s food can cause symptoms like diarrhea along with skin issues. Flea allergy dermatitis is another instigator of inflamed itchy skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Vitamin E and Fish Oils Combo

Oatmeal Bath


Chamomile Tea

Epsom Salts

Coconut Oil

Food Additives

How To Treat An Itchy Dog With Home Remedies

By Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB

Depending on the cause of your dogs itchiness, your vet will determine the right treatment and recovery plan. Without knowing the source of the problem, any over the counter treatments or home remedies will only help alleviate the symptoms and not resolve the issue.

Because there are so many possible causes , treating itching can be an annoying and time consuming process. It is important to discuss with your veterinarian their treatment plan and your expectations.

Some things you can do to in the meantime to make your dog more comfortable include:

  • Add omega-3 to your dogs diet, but not too much or it can cause diarrhea.
  • Give your dog a bath using cool water and an aloe and oatmeal shampoo. Generally speaking, you only want to bathe your dog once a month, as frequent bathing will strip their skin of oils and may make the itching worse.
  • Apply a cone/e-collar to prevent them from further damaging their skin from the licking, chewing or scratching.
  • Apply a gym sock to their back paw to help prevent nail trauma from scratching.
  • If you have any parasite prevention from your vet, apply it to cross fleas off the list.
  • Antihistamines can be effective for alleviating itching in some dogs .

There is a wealth of information online about other home remedies for itchiness. While there may be anecdotal evidence that these work, most of these are not supported by peer reviewed studies.

Pro Tips:

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Saponins Are Cleansing Agents And Oats Contain A Small Percentage

Mixing colloidal oatmeal with warm water and applying it to your dogs skin in a bath, helps to clean the fur of trapped dust and other particles, and will soothe your dogs itchy skin. Colloidal oatmeal is anti-inflammatory, and regular baths can help with itchiness. One great thing about this remedy is that its non-toxic, so its ok if your dog licks some of the oatmeal.

To make a colloidal oatmeal bath, use 1/3 cup oats for small dogs and ½ cup for large dogs, with extra for applying to the skin. You can also add 2 tablespoons of olive, coconut, or avocado oil and/or 1 cup of whole milk. Run a warm, but not hot bath, at least full enough that the water comes to the bottom of your dogs stomach. Mix in your colloidal oats and any other ingredients you choose. Using a cup, pour the bathwater carefully all over your dog, focusing on the parts of their skin that are irritated. Gently rub some of the powdered oatmeal right over the itchy areas. Let your dog soak for 10 minutes. While you wait, massage and rub the oatmeal into your dogs fur and skin. Rinse your dog thoroughly with warm water and towel off as usual.

If you dont have colloidal oatmeal, but do have oatmeal, a regular oatmeal bath will still be very soothing.

Home Remedies To Stop My Dog From Itching

Best 25+ Dry skin dogs remedies ideas on Pinterest

There are several home remedies owners can use to reduce itching in dogs. You can make your own dog itching remedies from ingredients you already have in your cupboards. Most of the ingredients below are easy to buy if you dont already have them, some are available in local supermarkets, and others can be bought online.

Depending on the cause of your dog’s itching, you might find some anti-itch ingredients work better than others. And in the unfortunate event that none of the home remedies work for your dog, there are other things you can try, which we’ll get to later. First, try these easy options to ease your dog’s itching.

Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil to the skin can help soothe itches, but make sure you use a good quality coconut oil that is organic or unrefined. Place the coconut oil in the fridge, so it is nice and cool when you rub it into your dogs itchy skin. It will feel soothing if your dog has an allergy itch or some itchy flea bites.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a useful store cupboard ingredient for many reasons, not least because it can soothe itchy skin. To use on your dogs itchy patches, mix some baking soda and water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the affected areas and leave it in place for around 20 minutes before rinsing off. Baking soda can also be added to their bath.

Apple cider vinegar

Note: do not use apple cider vinegar on broken, damaged skin, as it will be extremely painful for the dog.

Colloidal oatmeal

Green tea

Chamomile tea

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Directly Apply A Natural Skin Tonic

This natural skin tonic is lemon-based, which is great for repelling fleas. It will also act as a gentle, yet powerful skin toner to bring balance back to your dogs irritated skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • Slice the lemon into thin pieces.
  • Add the slices, with the rinds, to a pot of water.
  • Bring the water to a boil and allow the lemon to steep in the boiled water overnight.
  • Once the water has cooled in the morning, you can dip the sponge in the water.
  • Directly apply the sponge to your dog and allow the lemon-infused water to air dry.
  • Repeat once per day until your dog no longer has fleas or is itchy.

Try Chamomile And Green Tea

Chamomile and green teas are well-known for their calming and anti-inflammatory properties in people, but theyre also effective in dogs. Try giving your dog a relaxing soak in a chamomile or green tea bath if it has hot, itchy spots of skin.

Fill a bathtub or sink halfway with warm water and steep several tea bags for three to five minutes. Remove the tea bags and immerse your dog for at least five minutes in the mixture. If you wish to treat your dogs skin in specific places, steep a tea bag and let it cool before applying it to the problematic regions.

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Why Is My Dog So Itchy

Itchy skin is a very common problem in dogs and can be caused by a variety of factors. Some are very simple to treat, whereas others may require veterinary attention. Common causes of itchy skin include:

Many creepy-crawlies can inhabit our canine friends coat, including fleas, mites, lice, and ticks.


If your dog isnt protected against fleas all year round with a good-quality parasite prevention regime, then it could be fleas causing his itchiness. Its often impossible to see live fleas on your pet, but you may notice flea dirt in his coat. This dirt is essentially the poo that fleas leave behind, and it looks like tiny black specks or dots. These black dots will turn red when placed on wet paper.


Unlike fleas, mites are microscopic, so you cant see them with the naked eye. Mites, such as sarcoptic mites that cause sarcoptic mange, result in intense itching that leads to open sores, scabs, and hair loss.


Dog lice are small, flat, wingless insects that live on the hair. Adult lice are roughly the size of a sesame seed you may be able to see them by parting your dogs hair near the root. They dont move quickly like fleas. Lice can cause excessive itching, hair loss, and scaling of the skin, similar to dandruff.


What Causes Itchy Skin In Dogs

Dog Skin Allergy Home Remedies – Cure their Itch!

Many of the common causes of skin itchiness in dogs are environmental, like fleas or seasonal allergies. While true food allergies in dogs are fairly rare, changing your dogs diet to a more nutritional one will help with allergies to other things. Once youve eliminated obvious causes, like fleas or other skin parasites, its time to consider other causes. Many environmental allergens can be controlled or eliminated. For pollen or mold sensitivities, try to time your walks when the pollen or mold count is at its lowest. Also, consider your home fragrances as a possible cause. Made from petrochemicals, these substances could be irritating your dogs body.

While lifestyle changes, like giving up artificial fragrances, or changing the time of your walks, can be difficult, they also can be worth it if they help your dog with his itchy skin.

Occasional itchiness and some dry, flaky skin are nothing to be concerned about and can be addressed easily with home remedies. Its when the discomfort becomes significant and consistent that you should be concerned and schedule a vet appointment.

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Bathe Your Dog With Ground Oatmeal

An oatmeal bath is often recommended for anyone with itchy and dry skin. The same goes for dogs. Oatmeal is a very gentle way to soothe the itchy and dry skin while at the same time providing much-needed moisture.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ cups of unflavored oats


  • Draw a warm bath for your dog and add the oats.
  • Place your dog in the bath and allow them to soak in the oatmeal bath for at least five minutes.
  • Rinse away the oats from their fur, but do not over-rinse.
  • Repeat once daily while your dog has itchy skin.

Home Remedies For Dogs Suffering From Sunburn

Summertime comes with lots of fun dog walks and plenty of sun, which means sunburns can easily affect your pet. If thats the case, the best thing to do is to try to soothe the skin with cold water compresses. Aloe vera is another potent remedy when applied directly to the affected areas. But remember, prevention is better and easier when it comes to dog sunburn. So, make sure you apply dog sunscreen, avoid long walks in the sunespecially in the middle of the day, and aim to take your adventures to areas that offer plenty of shade.

These are some of the most popular home remedies for dogs suffering from mild medical inconveniences such as fleas or a minor wound. Its always best to leave bigger health issues for the vet to fix. Remember to always keep your dog under close observation whenever you try a new solution. If it works, youve earned extra brownie points for being an awesome owner. But if the home remedy doesnt work or your pet has a strange reaction to it, you should stop straight away and call your vet for help instead.

We hope you find these tips helpful. Make sure to always consult your vet before trying a natural remedy for your dog.

Are looking after a new-born puppy? Weve got a list ready with the best tips for new owners.

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