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Skin Whitening Pills Used By Celebrities

Pros Of Skin Whitening

Shady business: The illegal sale of skin-whitening creams

Scars, acne marks, stretch marks, dark underarms and bikini areas can be a huge source of insecurity and in order to fix it is to color-correct those areas to achieve even skin tone. Good thing about skin lighteners is that they can be applied to any parts of the body especially topical treatments like skin brightening creams, soaps, toners, and lotion.

  • Treatment of skin problems

Problems like hyperpigmentation, melasma, freckles, acne scars and uneven skin tone can be treated with topical skin lightening treatments. Even severe cases of these often serious skin conditions can be treated with over-the-counter treatments.

Whitening is a process that can really help improve glow of to the skin. It can be considered as a quick fix for a dull complexion and a glowing skin is an instant sign of healthy skin. A good example is the brightening of your eyebags, if you conceal those dark circles, your face will look a lot younger and less haggard. Lets just take note that the skin is the largest organ of the body therefore skin care is a necessity.

Topical skin whitening is an economical form of skin care compared to other services offered by dermatologists and beauty clinics which more often than not provides same glowing results.

The Dangers Of Trying To Be Fairest Of Them All In Philippines

The quest for whiter skin is fuelling the market for mercury-tainted creams and even illegal injections in the country, the programme Undercover Asia finds out.

Injectable glutathione products.

MANILA: She wanted to lighten the skin on her underarms. But when Chloe bought whitening cream from her aunt, a cosmetics reseller, she did not realise it was tainted with dangerous levels of mercury.

After using it for two and a half weeks, she suffered stinging side effects.

My skin was turning red, like a sunburn. It was excruciatingly painful, like my skin was burning, said Chloe, who declined to use her real name. There was no relief.

The cream resulted in scars and stretchmarks on her armpits. Two years on, she now faces a recurring health problem: Her usually dry armpits are always sweaty, making them vulnerable to fungal and bacterial infections.

I approached two doctors. They said the damage was irreversible. I felt the world collapse on me, she said. Its a wonder these drugs are accessible in the Philippines.

Her country reports one of the highest rates of use of skin lighteners in Asia, with half of the respondents in one Synovate survey stating that they use such products.

But many risk their health and safety by experimenting with procedures such as intravenous injections and skin bleaching, and by using mercury-laced creams.

Mercury in skin lighteners not only can discolour skin, but also damage kidneys and brain nerves, warns the World Health Organisation.

White Allure Enhanced Glutathione

The budget-friendly but quality option

Want to get more than what you paid for? This is totally the best option for you. With 7 powerful antioxidants to keep your dark spots and age spots at bay. This gluta brand is perfect for people who just wants to up their skin care game and try glutathione supplements for a change. For students and yuppies who wants to prevent and heal acne breakouts in no time, this ones for you.

So in conclusion, the views on skin whitening is a never-ending controversial debate. It can be offensive, helpful, or something hardcore. It can be something rooted from inferiority complex and history. Or it can be as simple as changing your appearance according to your mood like how people straighten their curly hair, or how curly-haired straighten their locks. It may be a mere desire of something new and something different appearance-wise. All that matters is that you have take everything in moderation and make sure what you do or apply to your body is safe and healthy.

For all your skin care and whitening concerns, you can find all the solutions at

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‘there’s Still A Way To Go’

Karishma says discussions around colourism and the use of products have improved in recent years.

“I’ve even spoken to family members about it properly now,” she says.

While the changing of names of skincare products – like Unilever and L’Oreal have done – may seem like a step forward, it doesn’t go far enough for Sabrina.

“I personally believe changing the name of the product doesn’t eliminate the product, because we know that it’s there. There’s still a long way to go,” she says.

Karishma adds: “If I could go back, I’d tell my younger self to stop straightaway and not even think about using creams like that.

“I’d tell her to see the beauty in her melanin – and the pigmentation of my skin does not determine how beautiful the person is going to be.”

The Fairest Of Them All: What You Need To Know About Skin Whitening

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A look into the world of whitening products and procedures

MANILA, Philippines When a celebrity comes out with soft and fair skin, everyone pays attention. After all, who doesnt want to be thought of as beautiful? In a country where dark brown skin is dominant and a light skin tone is considered the holy grail of beauty, a lot of people want to achieve fair complexion. There are now many whitening products and pills, but for some who really want to go beyond what can be achieved with over the counter cosmetics and medication, they undergo a bleaching or skin peeling process.

Dr. Mylah Joven-Ching, a dermatologist from Makati Medical Center, defined the difference between whitening and skin peeling.

Skin whitening agents work by reducing the presence of melanin in the skin. Many of them are known as competitive inhibitors of tyrosinase, the key enzyme in the production of melanin . Others inhibit the maturation of this enzyme or the transport of pigment granules from melanocytes to surrounding keratinocytes .

Dr Joven-Ching said that some of the common ingredients in whitening products include: Tretinoin, hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, azeleic acid, resveratrol, vitamin C, alphahydroxy acids , salicylic acid, and niacinamide. All of these can be found in creams, lotions, and serums.

She also said melanin, which is substance thats responsible for the skin color has two types.

Ideal Patients

Morie said that she has also tried the IV drip but found it expensive.

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Colourism In South Asian Communities

Colourism is a prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic group.

Colonialism has had an impact, with lots of the invasions “done by people who were usually lighter skin, like the British”, says Dr Ritumbra Manuvie, who teaches human rights law and has researched discrimination in South Asia.

“That ingrained a thought that if you’re lighter, you’re somehow superior.”

The caste system – a complex social hierarchy system – has furthered the idea of lighter being better in society.

“Those in the higher caste or top of the power structure would often be lighter in colour. With marriages, the average requirement is the bride should be fair.”

Dr Manuvie adds skin-lightening products and their promotion in popular culture “institutionalised the concept of being fair” in modern times.

“If you look at people in institutions in the earlier days, such as those leading freedom struggles, colour was never really an issue,” she says.

Media And Celebrity Pop Culture Influence

As seen in every region, celebrities and the media influence the decision to use bleaching creams. In the United States and Africa, multiple celebrities publicly endorsed skin-bleaching practices as an avenue for beauty and success and highlighted that a majority of black celebrities have fairer complexions . Celebrity attribution of SL for their success has sparked conversation and debate on media forums in a time when advocacy groups and other public figures publicly condemn the practice.

In Indias influential Bollywood film industry, film stars are traditionally fair-skinned and featured in advertisements for SL products . Korean actors and pop idols frequently lighten their skin and appear in advertisements for creams like many other celebrities across Asia. Furthermore, in Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, black Latinos or those with a darker skin are rarely protagonists in films or on magazine covers .

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Why Is It Controversial

Aside from the dangers of fake products that may cause more damage than glowing skin, people have been more sensitive, if not over-sensitive, to racial and cultural issues.

Wanting fair complexion is viewed as a social stigma but it runs deep in world history. Fair porcelain skin was viewed as an upper class elite while dark-skinned people was viewed as a member of the lower class or the laborers. So it was more of a socio-economic status of a person and it was passed on to generations and have become a mindset.

But the thing is, its not a matter of racial issue, that being whiter is better or prettier. No. Its a matter of having an even skin tone, whiter underarms or brightening the dark spots and scars or marks that even Hollywood celebrities are rumored to brighten their skin.

Weird Skin Whitening Remedies

Skin bleaching scandal in South Africa | Unreported World

Human Breast Milk Soap, yup thats right.

Facekini is a mask designed for swimmers and beachgoers which covers the head and reveals only the eyes, nose, and mouth. It is by-far Chinas creepiest whitening trend.

Vampire facials reinjects human blood to the patoents face. International celebrities such as Kim Kardashian are known to have had this treatment which is supposed to give the skin a plump, youthful glow. Giselle Bundchen, supermodel known globally for her perfect skin has also undergone the vampire facial

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Top 8 Bollywood Actresses Who Probably Went For Skin Whitening Treatment: Our Take On It

While Europeans are spending an insane amount of money and time to achieve a fake tan to get that glossy, beautiful, dusky-dark exotic skin, Indians are doing the same to get the flawless, glowing white skin. For centuries now, Indian women have been raised to believe that fairness is beauty

Bollywood Actresses

Today there are many forms of skin whitening procedures available in India that have been used by many Bollywood celebrities. Some of the popular skin whitening procedures include Chemical Peeling, an extreme skin whitening procedure which causes de-pigmentation of skin and causes skin to lose its colouring pigment and become white.

Cryosurgery is another type of surgery where liquid nitrogen is used to destroy the melanin and allows skin to regenerate a new epidermis with a lighter shade.

Skin lightening surgery involves the use of chemical substances and melanin is reduced in such a way that the exact right light skin complexion is achieved.

Permanent skin bleaching involves bleaching your skin to make it lighter permanently.

Vampire facial is one of many bizarre skin treatments and involves re-injecting human blood to the patients face. Many International stars have undergone this treatment to achieve plum, youthful skin.

‘don’t Be In The Sun For Too Long’

Like Karishma, Sabrina Manku was told she was too dark by her family.

“As a young girl, it was ‘Don’t be in the sun for too long.’ They would tell us I would get tanned.”

They’d say it in Punjabi, which because of how blunt the language can be made it “more hurtful”, the 23-year-old adds.

It was aged 10 that Sabrina was first introduced to fairness cream – which she used for eight years.

And it’s not just comments by family members that can cause people to desire lighter skin.

For Anusha, who didn’t want to give her full name, it was her teenage years at school that led to “really negative” thoughts about her skin tone.

“I found myself making unhealthy comparisons about the way I look with people who have lighter skin.”

“The most popular girls would get different treatment for no reason other than the fact they are five shades lighter.”

Karishma even stopped taking photos with her friends as a teenager.

“I didn’t want it to come out in the photo that I was darker,” she says.

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‘i Still Use Whitening Products’

Karishma and Sabrina no longer use skin-lightening products – because of the impact it was having on their skin but also due to increased confidence about their skin tone.

It’s not the same story for Anusha.

Family and societal pressure around colourism first caused her to use skin-lightening products, but now it’s something else.

“Not every person who buys a whitening product wants to permanently whiten their skin. For me, it gives my skin a more refreshed look if it looks really dull.”

Anusha currently uses masks which lighten her skin because “it makes for a clearer canvas to put make-up on or even out skin tone”.

But she admits that had she not been exposed to whitening products at a young age, she wouldn’t be using them now.

“I think using anything that is a whitening product when you’re older can be put to family or society pressure for sure.”

Anusha says she’s “constantly reflecting” about what she buys and if it’s right for her skin.

‘i Followed What The Celebrities Did’

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Sabrina points to Bollywood – the Hindi film industry in India – as a major influence on her decision to use skin-whitening products.

“I’ve looked up to celebrities and followed their trends, whatever they’ve endorsed.”

Bollywood stars have been criticised for advertising products which promote a fairer skin ideal.

“It just makes you feel like you have a darker complexion and using a product will make a difference because celebrities are telling you it will.”

Some adverts included men being attracted to women who became lighter-skinned after using a fairness product – after initially being overlooked with darker skin.

And it’s not limited to adverts.

“I’ve noticed in films, fairer skin is seen as the ideal and more beautiful. I just wanted to look more like the people that I saw on television,” Sabrina adds.

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Kajol: Skin Surgery Or At Home

She seems to have transformed herself into a hot diva and her skin looks much better and lighter than before. After many years of successful acting career, Bollywoods dusky beauty Kajol seems to have undergone some type of melanin surgery which lowers the concentration of melanin on skin with the help of chemical compounds. The results are clear and visible and Kajol carries herself with ease and grace. Kajol however, denies undergoing any skin whitening treatments and claims it to be a Stay-at-home surgery.

How Do Celebrities Lighten Their Skin Permanently

The truth no one wants you to know is that it is impossible to lighten your skin permanently. It just cant be done. Your skin is your biggest organ, and it constantly fights against the negative impacts of the environment. It constantly renews itself and produces the pigment melatonin which gives the skin its color. To keep it bright and healthy-looking celebrities constantly work on it.

Bright glowing skin is not a destination, its a journey. There is no silver bullet solution for a youthful-looking healthy glow. Your skin requires constant care and nurturing to fight oxidative stress. And the best thing you can do is to provide it with the very best care there is.

The effects of some skin-lightening treatments can last from few months to even a few years. But for such long effects, you need to take proper care of your skin, always protect it with sun cream, and maintain a healthy balanced diet that will supply it with all the necessary micronutrients.

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Top Best Answers To The Question What Do Celebrities Use To Bleach Their Skin Fast

Uses. Hydroquinone is used to lighten the dark patches of skin caused by pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone medicine, or injury to the skin. This medicine works by blocking the process in the skin that leads to discoloration.

Those who are looking for an answer to the question «What do celebrities use to bleach their skin fast?» often ask the following questions:

Well Known Whitening Pills Used By Celebrities

Why People Risk Their Lives To Bleach Their Skin | Shady | Refinery29

Whitening pills used by celebrities

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Which Tablet Is Best For Skin Whitening

There are many tablets for skin whitening available on the market. But the truth is that not all of them are the same. Though many are boasting with the all-powerful ingredients, the majority of them have them in such a low concentration that they have the same effects as so much of jelly beans.

The very best results you will get by following the routines of those people whose careers depend on their looks, celebrities. You can be certain that they use only the top-notch products, that give the best results. After all, when you are choosing for yourself you should also choose only the very best.

So here is the truth about which skin whitening tablets are the most popular among both Holywoods and Boliwoods elites.

Natural Skin Lightening Treatment

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C that has been found to have skin lightening effects due to its ability to reduce the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin tanning

Fresh papaya is not only tasty to eat but is also excellent when it comes to its benefits for the skin. It contains enzymes such as papain and alpha hydroxy acids that have the ability to dissolve dead cells and remove impurities, which lead to glowing skin.

Due to the abundance of antioxidants, tomatoes are one of those foods that can make your skin glow. The lycopene in tomatoes, which gives them their characteristic red color, has photoprotective properties that can protect the skin from aging and other age-related issues.

Pumpkin is a powerhouse of antioxidants and exfoliating acids. It consists of beta-carotene and vitamins A and C, all of which help in lightening and brightening the skin

Potato juice is rich in vitamin C and has antioxidant properties. It is a mild bleaching agent that whitens your skin and also removes dead cells.

The scrubbing motion with the baking soda powder will remove dead cells and kill the bacteria present on the skin to reveal fresher and lighter toned skin.

Applying or using skin whitening creams, lotions, and soaps are the most economical if not common way of skin whitening regimen. Or you can simply take glutathione orally or via injection. Its natural, its safe and it is accessible! So you can now kiss dangerous bleaching chemicals goodbye forever.

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